Faculty and Staff
Rev. Jeffrey Kegley
Director and Pastor
Mr. Craig Palmer
Principal / cpalmer@stmaryes.org
Mr. Pat Mullen
Vice Principal / pmullen@stmaryes.org
Mr. Glen Holck
Business Manager
gholck@stmarychurchnj.org -
Ms. Katie Anderson
School Counselor
kanderson@stmaryes.org -
Mrs. Jennifer Fialo
Administrative Assistant
jfialo@stmaryes.org -
Mrs. MaryAnn Hemhauser
Administrative Assistant
mhemhauser@stmaryes.org -
Mr. Rob Salemi
School Security Guard
rsalemi@stmaryes.org -
Mr. Kiean Casey
Security Officer
Mrs. Kathy Pellicane
Security Aide
kpellicane@stmaryes.org -
Mrs. Elizabeth Werner
School Nurse
ewerner@stmaryes.org -
Mrs. Ellen Horwath
Director of Early Childhood
ehorwath@stmaryes.org -
Mrs. Catherine Grant
PreSchool Teacher
Mrs. Tara Golding
Preschool Teacher
Mrs. Lisa McGrath
Preschool Teacher
Mrs. Robyn Zimmermann
Preschool Teacher
Mrs. Diane Domanski
Preschool Teachers
Ms. Madelene McCoy
Center For Achievement
mmccoy@stmaryes.org -
Ms. Julia Handehan
Speech Teacher /
jhandehan@stmaryes.org -
Ms. Mary Rogers
Response to Intervention
mrogers@stmaryes.org -
Mrs. Kathy Soranno
Response to Intervention
ksoranno@stmaryes.org -
Mrs. Laureen Millevoi
Special Education
lmillevoi@stmaryes.org -
Mrs. Stacie DePonti
Pre-Kindergarten Teacher
sdeponti@stmaryes.org -
Miss Kerri Silva
Pre-Kindergarten Teacher
ksilva@stmaryes.org -
Mrs. Tara Anthes
Kindergarten Teacher
tanthes@stmaryes.org -
Mrs. Jennifer Morgan
Kindergarten Teacher
jmorgan@stmaryes.org -
Ms. Jamie Lawrence
Second Grade Teacher
jlawrence@stmaryes.org -
Mrs. Michele Lipani
Second Grade Teacher
mlipani@stmaryes.org -
Mrs. Jennifer Szotak
1st Grade Teacher / jszotak@stmaryes.org
Mrs. Jennifer Donohue
1st Grade Teacher / jdonohue@stmaryes.org
Ms. Marie Matassa
3rd Grade Teacher / mmatassa@stmaryes.org
Ms. Jessica Lasota
4th Grade Teacher / jlasota@stmaryes.org
Mrs. Georgean Harriott
Fourth Grade Teacher / gharriott@stmaryes.org
Mrs. Barbara Mullaghy
Fifth Grade Integrated Language Arts and Social Studies / bmullaghy@stmaryes.org
Mrs. Jennifer Bumbico
Middle School Mathematics / jbumbico@stmaryes.org
Ms. Kelsey Murray
kmurray@stmaryes.org -
Mrs. Rosa Ameno
Middle School Science and Lab / rameno@stmaryes.org
Angelina Crovo
Middle School ILA Teacher
acrovo@stmaryes.org -
Mrs. Alison Margerum
Middle School Integrated Language Arts / amargerum@stmaryes.org
Mrs. Rosemary Marchak
Middle School Religion & Spanish / rmarchak@stmaryes.org
Mr. Christopher McNicholas
MS Philosophy Teacher /
cmcnicholas@stmaryes.org -
Mr. Christopher Pfirrman
MS Theology/MS History Gr7
cpfirrman@stmaryes.org -
Mrs. Courtney Grogan
Music Teacher / cgrogan@stmaryes.org
Ms. Jessica Dougherty
Art Teacher
jdougherty@stmaryes.org -
Mrs. Cristina English
Latin Pre-K to 6th Grade / cenglish@stmaryes.org
Mrs. Carla Lippincott
Spanish PreK /
clippincott@stmaryes.org -
Mr. Frank Reash
MS Math/Honors Math /
freash@stmaryes.org -
Mrs. Jennifer Cadorette
Computer/Library /
jcadorette@stmaryes.org -
Mr. Mel O'Neal
Physical Education / meloneal@stmaryes.org
Mrs. Robertha Walters
Para Professional
Mrs. Tracey Bucchieri
Para Professional
Mrs. Melinda Lora
Para Professional
Don Cunningham
Head of Maintenance